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Regional Renal Models of Care

The regional renal models of care are a set of criteria that guide the structures of the Regional Renal Programs. They define expectations for the delivery of kidney care within and across Regional Renal Programs. 

The models of care provide a practical framework to guide the delivery of chronic kidney disease care across the province. This framework includes care delivered in hospitals, in the community and at home.  


  • Clarify and define standard sets of services to be available at different Regional Renal Program sites 
  • Clearly define roles and accountabilities of Regional Renal Program hubs, satellites and acute kidney injury affiliates for the organization and delivery of chronic kidney disease care (see table below)
  • Strengthen relationships by taking a consistent and transparent approach to organizational and funding agreements between Regional Renal Program hubs, satellites and acute kidney injury affiliates 
  • Support Ontario Renal Network leadership to effectively plan, implement and manage chronic kidney disease services resulting in high-quality, person-centred care
Requirements for hubs, satellites and acute kidney injury (AKI) affiliates
Renal and other clinical services
  • In-facility hemodialysis
  • Home dialysis
  • Acute dialysis
  • Ambulatory clinics
  • Body access
  • In-facility hemodialysis
  • May provide other services with hub oversight
  • Acute dialysis
Patient population
  • All complexity
  • Medically appropriate as determined by the hub
  • Patients with acute kidney injury
Clinical staff
  • Onsite nephrologist
  • Onsite allied health
  • On-call nephrologist
  • Access allied health
  • On-call nephrologist
Quality and administration
  • Sets quality standards/policies, administrative oversight
  • Follow standards/policies set by hub
  • Follows standards/policies set by hub
  • Hub nephrology oversight
  • Purchases machines
  • May support maintenance
  • Purchases machines
  • Manages funds and financial risk
  • Flows funds to satellite and acute kidney injury affiliate
  • Limited financial risk
  • Funding depends on model